Monday, September 2, 2013

T Minus 40: Best Laid Plans...

I dreamed, quite literally, what I would accomplish today. My project swam through my subconscious and, when I woke up, I thought I was ready to create something awesome.

I put a Bagelful in the toaster oven for breakfast. I skipped trying to make iced coffee. Too many failures recently and I didn't want to start the day with something I couldn't drink.

While breakfast toasted, I set up my "studio" at the food of the bed. Up went the TV tray onto which I arranged as best I could the supplies for today's project - gesso, mat medium, mod podge, baby wipes, brushes, strips and blocks of newsprint I cut from a newspaper. I needed more room but I figured I could get it done anyway.

Four stages into my project, I hit a wall. What my subconscious failed to fully inform me of when I dreamt of this project was that I didn't have all the supplies I needed. Stuck, unable to do anything else with this particular project, I pulled out the tablet and fired up YouTube. I felt no inspiration to try water color again, perhaps the bad review from yesterday still weighing on my mind, so I thought I'd look for inspiration in a few YouTube videos. I felt blocked and needed help.

Even after watching every Christy Tomlinson video available, and looking at quite a few other artists to explore their techniques, I still felt something blocking me.

I finally gave up and decided to explore NetFlix instead. Maybe a movie will keep me entertained. I knew we were downsizing and that we faced a huge transition, but...I miss my studio.



  1. Iced coffee is about the only coffee I can stomach, so at some point I want to learn how to make a good version of it.
    I'm sure I will be feeling your pain in that regards as I fail multiple times.

    Good luck with Netflix. I'm catching up on Breaking Bad currently.

    1. I don't know how you guys drink cold coffee. Blargh!

      Coffee should be served one way, and one way only. Hot and black! ;)
