Monday, September 16, 2013

T Minus 24 1/2 - Another Day in Paradise

I don't have a lot to say about today.

I started my day by paying the balance on the shipment of our things from Vegas to Lahaina.

Then I headed off to work. Business came in the oddest waves.

One of the gals who works the gallery on days I don't, brought in a box of papaya and star fruit to share with us. I was not sure if I would like them so I took only a few. I asked how to eat them. I will likely try them tomorrow.

When I finally left work today I was relieved, I don't know why I was not in the mood to be there after 4 pm. So it was 6-ish when I left.

As I headed for my bike under the banyan tree I had a notion to take myself out to dinner. I headed to the Pioneer Inn then got distracted by the glimmer of the sun setting on the water. I did my best to snap a photo bit the glimmer plays a strong role in this photo.

I decided not to eat there. I'm not sure why. But I headed for my bike and rode home for some tuna and cracker.

I'm capping the night off with some episodes of Supernatural before I go to sleep.


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