Sunday, August 18, 2013

T Minus 55: Numbers

Maybe it's because I chose not to have kids, but I still don't understand parents when they tell people their baby's age. The baby is one year old. Just say "One." You don't have to say something superfluous "Fifteen and a half months."

Thinking about that made me think about my countdown to October. In just a few days, I can say "Six weeks to go" instead of 54 days. Maybe the smaller numbers will make it go quicker. Maybe the new mommies use bigger numbers for some psychological reason too. Still, that kid is one year old. Just say "One."

The gallery was slow again tonight. It gave me a chance to start studying up on the artists. Since the boss left me a note hinting at pop quizzes coming soon, I thought it would be a good idea to redouble my efforts at learning this stuff. I even devised a system of sorts, a chart of each shelving unit in the gallery to use as a study guide. I included the art genre, artist name, artist code, art medium, and home island.

I hope it works. The pop quizzes thing makes me nervous. I've never been a numbers person. I don't like numbers. I like charts and diagrams, and visual things. I also don't learn well from just reading a book. Pictures! I need pictures!

On top of all that, my memory sucks. At the end of a day, I struggle to remember what I did that day. Remembering something like 300 artists - 300 - and all of the extra information that goes with each one honestly might not be possible for me. Now I get to be afraid of losing my job because I don't know enough by a certain time.

Four galleries on the island. I work in two of them. The variations between galleries are significant. I'm doing everything I can think of, short of flash cards, to learn all this stuff. It's daunting. Today, I mapped out the shelving units in one gallery, the smaller one. I didn't have time to map out the wall art, jewelry displays, or pedestals. And, like I hinted at, I still have a whole other gallery to focus on as well.

For me, it could easily take months if not years to remember all this stuff. I'll look at it tonight. Will I remember it when I wake up? Highly doubtful.

Speaking of waking up, I finally laid my hands on a power strip so I can plug in all my electronics in one place each night. Now I can have the tablet charger, lamp, iPhone charger, and external speakers all set up on "my" side of the bed. I've been sleeping on the side of the bed that The Hubby usually sleeps on, so...hope I don't wake up confused.

Of course, it doesn't take switching sides of the bed to make me wake up confused. When I wake up and look in that direction, my brain still expects there to be a person there. When I wake up and see a sofa like at the apartment last month, or an empty wall like at the condo each morning, it takes a moment for me to clear my head. I really miss seeing The Hubby in his spot.

I should watch some Weeds and get to sleep. I open the Front St gallery in the morning. Hopefully they can eventually work out a schedule where I don't have to close a shop one night and open the shop the next morning.

If you like rock, check out a band called Drop Nine. I chatted with a friend from high school who is a bad ass drummer (you know who you are). He told me about his new band, Drop Nine. I heard a song - awesome! I can see a label and album soon for those guys.

OK. Time for Weeds.


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