Saturday, August 31, 2013

T Minus 42: Tired

Today, like yesterday, my iced coffee experiment failed. Maybe instant coffee tastes like burnt coffee. I don't know. I do know it ain't right!

I accomplished very little today. Before work, I watched a few Christy Tomlinson videos on YouTube. Work, as usual for a Friday night, saw very little business. I kept busy though. I tried to create a spreadsheet that would make the closing paperwork more efficient. I'm no spreadsheet expert though. I could have used some guidance from The Hubby but it was too late to call him. Maybe he'll do some pro bono work once he reaches the island. I just want to get rid of the multiple adding machine tapes we have to run. I'm too young to be dealing with an adding machine!

No excitement today, but yet I feel dog tired for some reason. I believe I'll skip watching videos tonight, take some Tylenol for my busted up knuckle, and go to sleep.


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